Title:'Skillman NJ'
Title:'Skillman NJ'

Rotary Club of Montgomery and Rocky Hill News


Rotary Partners With Crawford House

Rotary Partners With Crawford House

Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary has long supported Crawford House, a comprehensive and highly individualized program for women aged 18 years and over who are residents of NJ, homeless, indigent, and free from substance use for at least 14 days. Based strongly on the 12-step model, Crawford House (part of Daytop New Jersey) provides physical, emotional and spiritual healing for women in a safe and mutually-supportive community, and also education, treatment and knowledge of how to use community support systems so they may achieve and maintain a substance-free lifestyle.


Simon Peter Lwanjo

Simon Peter Lwanjo

Dear Jeff and dear Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Montgomery & Rocky Hill, NJ,

I am happy to let you know that i arrived safe and attended my first fellowship last Sunday where i was able to present the Flag and tell my fascinating story (I have attached some pictures of the event although i wasn't able to get a picture of your flag in particular) I promise to bring your flag the next time i am in town.

Also this is to let you know that my brother's wife is running an online fund raising campaign to raise funds to support her in this unfamiliar territory for her. The funds shall cover medical bills, assist with his rehabilitation .

Follow the link on

Kind regards,Simon P. Lwanjo


Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club inducts new members

Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club inducts new members

The Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary has inducted the following members in 2016: Dennis Helms, Shreesh Tiwari, Nancy Gartenberg, Minkyo Chenette, Jim Tropp, flanked by Doug Merritt, VP on the left and George Jarvis, President on the Right.


Flags For Heroes

Flags For Heroes

2018 saw the inaugural effort of the Flags for Heroes project by the Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club. A rousing success resulting in 250 flags being sponsored which raised over $10,000 for the Canine Warrior Project. In addition, the stunning display of flags in front of Montgomery High School on Rt 601 was the talk of the town for the ten day run of the project.

Click on the link below to see the list of honorees for 2018
2018 Flag Honoree List

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Interact Club

(coming soon)

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Run With Rotary

Run With Rotary

Our flagship project since 2006, Run With Rotary is an annual 5k Run and 1-mile Ramble. Runners and walkers of all ages and levels are welcome to participate in the April event. The event builds community, offers an opportunity for healthy outdoor exercise and has raised funds for Rotary's charitable giving projects. This is a major local event, held at Skillman Park, with close to 1,000 runner/walkers participating each year! And, in 2018, our Club partnered with the Montgomery Environmental Commission to have their Earth Day Fair follow the Run event. Run with Rotary is a fun community event for the whole family to enjoy.

The 2019 Run With Rotary will be held on May 5th. For more info visit

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