Title:'Skillman NJ'
Title:'Skillman NJ'

Rotary Partners With Crawford House


Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary has long supported Crawford House, a comprehensive and highly individualized program for women aged 18 years and over who are residents of NJ, homeless, indigent, and free from substance use for at least 14 days. Based strongly on the 12-step model, Crawford House (part of Daytop New Jersey) provides physical, emotional and spiritual healing for women in a safe and mutually-supportive community, and also education, treatment and knowledge of how to use community support systems so they may achieve and maintain a substance-free lifestyle.

Wraparound Rotary is a unique program created and operated by our Rotary Club to provide individualized mentoring and cost-effective support to adults who seek to obtain higher education or training needed to secure work that pays a living wage, and who have dealt with complex societal, mental health or emotional challenges, including addiction and poverty. Applicants overcoming addiction must be working a program of recovery.

Wraparound Rotary has worked with several graduates of Crawford House who sought mentorship and limited financial assistance to fill voids and meet basic living needs in order to pursue higher education, vocational education or training.  The program provides a “wraparound” to all other funding sources, scholarships, grants or programs, making it possible to pay remaining tuition and/or to meet some portion of remaining personal or family support needs. Wraparound participants are expected to work at least part-time while in school. Wraparound Rotary offers a support system through networks of individuals who will encourage and stand behind the individual as s/he works to achieve success and independence.