Title:'Malden MA'
Title:'Malden MA'

Updated: [June 1, 2016]

TownLife360 Limited Liability Company and its respective successors and assigns (“TownLife360,” “we,” “us” or “our”) welcome you. TownLife360 maintains this website (the “TownLife360 Site”) in furtherance of our commitment to communities to provide them with a comprehensive resource guide, placing events, information and listings at their fingertips. This TownLife360 Online Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes the types of personal, financial and other information that we gather from visitors who use or access the web content, products, technology and services provided by TownLife360 and available on the TownLife360 Site (collectively, the “TownLife360 Services”) and how we use the information that we gather. Please carefully read the Privacy Policy before accessing the TownLife360 Services as it applies to all persons and entities who use or access the TownLife360 Services, including you (each a “User”), and constitutes an agreement between you and TownLife360. By accessing the TownLife360 Services, you signify that you have read the Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by it and the TownLife360 Terms of Use (“Terms”) available on our Terms of Use page, as well as any applicable laws and regulations. We may update the Privacy Policy from time to time. Each time you use any of the TownLife360 Services, the current version of the Privacy Policy will apply. Accordingly, when you use the TownLife360 Services, you should check the date of the Privacy Policy (which appears at the top) and review any changes. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, you may not access or otherwise use the TownLife360 Services.

1. Overview on Collection and Sharing of Information

The Privacy Policy applies only to information that you provide to TownLife360 through the TownLife360 Services. It does not apply to information that TownLife360 may have obtained through other means, including but not limited to traditional mailing lists. TownLife360 allows a number of Advertisers (as defined below) and vendors to offer their services (each a “Vendor”) through the TownLife360 Site. Information that you provide to a Vendor is governed by that Vendor’s policies and procedures.

Information that we gather from Users falls into two broad categories: Personal Data and Aggregate Data.

2. Collection and Sharing of Personal Data

Personal Data is information that could reasonably be used to identify you, such as your name, address, email address, birth date, financial information, telephone number or any combination of the foregoing (“Personal Data”). We use Personal Data to provide you with TownLife360 Services that you have requested. By voluntarily providing Personal Data, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to provide the requested Personal Data or if you do not agree to have us use the information for the purposes identified, it is your responsibility to decline to use those TownLife360 Services for which the Personal Data is sought. You can access and enjoy a wide range of TownLife360 Services without providing us with any Personal Data. However, certain TownLife360 Services do require that you provide some amount of Personal Data. For example, and without limitation, Users who wish to use the [Contact Us] and [Newsletter Sign-Up], participate in a contest or survey, create a User account, link to third party websites through the TownLife360 Services, and communicate with TownLife360 via electronic mail, may be required to provide varying amounts of Personal Data. When you submit Personal Data to us, we may add it to our database. Personal Data may also be disclosed to TownLife360 employees, independent contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve the TownLife360 Services.

You can request to review, change, update or delete Personal Data that you have previously submitted to us. We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before we grant you access to your Personal Data and comply with your request. Please be aware that even after such a request is processed, TownLife360 may, for a time, retain residual information about you in our backup and/or archival copies of our database.

3. Collection and Sharing of Aggregate Data

Aggregate Data is information that does not personally identify you such as frequency of visits to the TownLife360 Site, page views, TownLife360 Services most frequently accessed, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, referrer addresses, where your computer is routing from, your browser type and version, or your operating system and platform (“Aggregate Data”). We use Aggregate Data to help us develop and improve the TownLife360 Services overall.

Cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that websites transfer to your computer’s web browser for storage on your computer’s hard drive. TownLife360 uses persistent cookies on the TownLife360 Site. A persistent cookie will remain on your hard drive even after you leave a given website and close your browser. When you return to the same website that placed the cookie on your hard drive, the website may then access the cookie.

TownLife360 uses cookies for the purpose of distinguishing your browser as a previous visitor to the TownLife360 Site by tracking repeat visits to the TownLife360 Site by you through your IP address. TownLife360 also uses cookies to identify which parts of the TownLife360 Site are most visited by you and how much time you spend in a particular part of the TownLife360 Site. The cookie is loaded on your browser during the initial visit to the TownLife360 Site. The cookies TownLife360 uses do not collect personally identifiable information from you such as names, addresses or email addresses. Only your IP address and a time stamp of your arrival are collected.

The information collected by TownLife360 through cookies is used strictly for statistical analysis of usage trends related to the TownLife360 Site. TownLife360 does not share, sell, transfer or provide any information collected through cookies to any third parties. You can set your browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you turn off cookies or refuse them, though, you may not be able to use every portion of the TownLife360 Site.

Click-Throughs. TownLife360 or a third party authorized by TownLife360 may send email messages which use a “click-through” text or graphic link that will take you to content on the TownLife360 Site. When you click on this link, you pass through our web server before arriving at the destination web page. If we use this feature, we will track click-through data to help determine our users’ interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications. If you prefer not to be tracked by using click-throughs, do not click text or graphic links in the email.

Advertising. The TownLife360 Site may contain advertisements provided by third party advertisers (each an “Advertiser”). An Advertiser may place or utilize its own cookie on your browser, and may collect Aggregate Data about your visit to the TownLife360 Site, including but not limited to the number of times you viewed an advertisement. If an Advertiser requests that you provide any Personal Data, that Advertiser’s use and collection of the information will be governed by the Advertiser’s own privacy policy, and not our Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review any Advertiser’s privacy policy before providing Personal Data.

4. Opting Out of Certain Communications

Users are given the choice to opt-out of certain optional communications from us and our affiliates and marketing partners. To “opt-out” you may send an opt-out request to us at with the word “unsubscribe” in the email subject line. Users should allow a reasonable amount of time for the opt-out request to be processed. Please be aware that your opt-out choice may mean that certain features and functions of the TownLife360 Services will no longer be available to you.

5. Sharing, Selling and Trading Aggregate Data Collected Online With Third Parties

TownLife360 takes the privacy of our Users very seriously. We do not sell, rent or otherwise provide your Personal Data to third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent. We may however sell, share or trade Aggregate Data to third parties.

6. Disclosures Required by Law

It is possible that we may need to disclose Personal Data when required by law, such as responses to civil or criminal subpoenas, or other requests by law enforcement personnel, to establish or exercise our legal rights or, defend against legal claims and if in our judgment in such circumstances disclosure is required or appropriate.

We may also share Personal Data if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our Terms, or as otherwise required by law.

We may disclose your Personal Data and Aggregate Data to a third party as part of a reorganization or a sale of the assets of TownLife360. Any third party to which we transfer or sell TownLife360 assets will have the right to continue to use the Personal Data and Aggregate Data that you provide to us, subject to this Privacy Policy as may be amended.

7. Children and Privacy

We are concerned about the safety of children when they use the Internet, and understand that children may not understand all the provisions of our Privacy Policy or make informed decisions about the choices that are made available to adult users of the TownLife360 Services. We encourage parents and guardians to spend time with their children online and to be familiar with the sites their children visit. The TownLife360 Services are not directed to children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data, we will comply with Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (“COPPA”) to delete the information or obtain verifiable parental consent in accordance with COPPA.

8. International Transmission of Data

The Internet is a global environment. Using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. This means that your information may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. By using TownLife360 Services and/or communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of your Personal Data in this manner, and agree to be bound by the applicable privacy laws that TownLife360 is governed by as well as the jurisdiction and venue provisions of the TownLife360 Terms.

9. Links to Other Websites

The TownLife360 Services contain links to websites operated by other people or companies. The Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third party sites, which may have their own privacy policies or no privacy policy at all. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, TownLife360 does not control the content of third party sites and takes no responsibility for their content, nor should it be implied that TownLife360 endorses or otherwise recommends such sites or the products or services offered. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of use of any third party sites or services before providing any of them with any of your personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies only to the TownLife360 Services.

TownLife360 Vendor Sites. Sites hosted by Vendors may be accessed through the TownLife360 Services. In some cases, these sites may maintain the look and feel of the TownLife360 Site. Nonetheless they are governed by the Vendor’s policies and not those of TownLife360. It is your responsibility to review the relevant privacy policies prior to accessing the services available on such Vendors sites.

10. Security

TownLife360 uses a variety of safeguards to protect your Personal Data. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot ensure or warrant its absolute security. Consequently, when you transmit your Personal Data to us, you do so at your own risk.

If you create a User account, your account information will be password protected. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your login information, password and to your computer. Be sure to log off from the TownLife360 Services when finished using a shared computer. We strongly request you not to communicate any confidential information to TownLife360 through email or any other means.

If TownLife360 learns of a security systems breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. By using the TownLife360 Services or providing Personal Data to us, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security and privacy issues related to the TownLife360 Services. TownLife360 will endeavor to provide notice to you of any security systems breach and efforts to restore the integrity of the TownLife360 Services in accordance with applicable law. If you become aware of any breach of data security or have any other questions about the security of the TownLife360 Services, please contact us at:

11. Changes to Privacy Policy

We will post material changes to this Privacy Policy here at least 10 business days before they take effect. Any information we collect under the current Privacy Policy will remain subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy, until you accept the new Privacy Policy by accessing or using the TownLife360 Services after the changes take effect.

12. Contact Us

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information collection and dissemination practices of TownLife360, please contact us at