Title:'Lambertville NJ'
Title:'Lambertville NJ'

The demand for healthy, local products has always driven our desire to become farmers. Like most people who care about healthy food, we want to know about everything that goes into creating what we serve to our family and friends. After a lot of research we decided that if you want something done right – do it yourself! We started Double Brook Farm in earnest in 2006. Our passion for a local, sustainable, and humane operation has guided our approach to the Farm from day 1.

Now, where to sell all this high-quality, fresh, local food?

We created Brick Farm Market to be the dedicated outlet for the Farm: a full-service market located within a stone’s throw of the source:

Double Brook Farm. The market enables us to interact with our customers and share with them how the food they are buying is grown, raised or made.

Brick Farm Market

65 East Broad Street
Hopewell, New Jersey 08525
