Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

PunchBugKIDS Blog

Outdoor Play

Outdoor Play

From an early age, kids have a love and curiosity with being outside. My favorite example of this always revolves around mud puddles and toddlers. Combine those and what is always bound to happen? The toddler jumps in the mud puddle with pure joy on their face, as they want to do it again and again and again. I say, let’s foster that joy of being outside in nature and provide as many opportunities as possible for our kids.

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How to Encourage Language During Play

 How to Encourage Language During Play

As the founder of Princeton Playspace and a speech pathologist, my motto is and always will be #playmatters. A child playing is a child working. They learn by doing, repetition, and problem solving. And while playing, there are infinite possibilities to learn language!

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