Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

What's in Your Car?


If you're a mom you probably feel like you live in your car. So, it would stand to reason that the most likely time an emergency pops up is when you're in your car. I don't mean the type of emergency that actually involves a collision. I mean the unexpected bout of car sickness, or the "I'm so thirsty I'm dying" screams that emanate from the backseat on a regular basis. And although my kids are getting older, I realized just recently that I may never outgrow the need for an emergency stash in the car. Here are some handy items I recommend keeping on hand in your car in case of an emergency:

mom car

1.    A $20 bill for when you leave the house without your purse and coffee (again)

2.    Clean underwear for you or the kids--you pick, no judgment here

3.    A bag with a set of clothes for each kid, especially extra socks for when you arrive at the bounce house and see that your child is barefoot

4.    A hair brush and hair ties

5.    Bottles of water and snacks

6.    A blanket

7.    Note pad and crayons or colored pencils for unexpected stops at restaurant with the kids

8.    Soccer ball to keep them entertained 

9.    Wipes - no matter how old they get

10.   An empty plastic bag for trash---and the occasional vomit


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