Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Treasures From My Kids’ Backpacks


There are some items that I find in my kids’ backpacks that just crack me up! 

This is a note I found in my son’s backpack written about his sister when he was just a little guy.


Allow me to translate:
"Hi Aerin. You punch me but I still love you. You are annoying. I am not. But I still love you.
P.S. your punches hurt."
I'm still laughing...Maybe this was a brainstorming session for a creative writing piece, or maybe he was just venting.  Either way the result was pretty funny.

Here is a profound statement from my daughter when she was just learning to write.

aerin note

It says, “Mom I love you, also Nick, also Rufus, also Georgie, also Daddy, and most importantly my butt.”  Notice the detailed illustration of that “butt.”  Note too, the cutting skills showing she has clearly mastered scissors.

I usually receive lovely cards from my children for special occasions.  I am not sure, however, that this one qualifies.


It says, "Happy Late Maypole Day.  We love you."  The sentiment is super sweet but a belated card for Maypole Day?  Talk about your special occassions!  Maybe my kids are trying to create another "Hallmark" holiday.


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