Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

This is my gift to my family


I pledge to put down the cell phone while driving. Why? Because every day I put my children at risk when they are in my car and I am ashamed.

mom car

Me, the mother who would lay down her life for her children is actually placing them in a life and death situation every day by glancing at my cell phone while driving. And for what? A random text about my friend’s daughter’s soccer goal? The “OMG did you see what she wore to the school assembly” email? Yes, I realize life is fast paced and we are all used to living in the moment. But, that fast paced life is precious and it is my obligation to do everything in my power to protect it.  Putting down the cell phone while driving is the least I can do.

So why is it so hard to do? I am not sure. But maybe by putting this in an open letter to the public I will feel some accountability to follow through with my pledge. Maybe I need to challenge my kids to keep me on track, trust me they won’t let me forget!

I know as moms we spend an enormous amount of time in the car. But contrary to what I sometimes believe, the car is not my office. I do not need to check emails and text messages.  So I am determined to put down the phone and use my time in the car as it was meant to be. I will sing along to the radio. I will have awkward conversations with my kids while they are trapped in the back seat.  And I will pay attention to the road.

In just a few short years my children will be the ones behind the wheel.  While I shudder at the thought, I will feel better knowing that they will be less tempted to drive and text if they have watched me model good behavior.

It really is that simple. Please put away your phones while driving.



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