Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Sweet Sushi


It's sushi your kids won't refuse! Forget the shrimp, forget the spicy need for soy sauce or wasabi. Get out the chopsticks and create the perfect party platter or impromptu dessert tray in a matter of minutes.


Your kids will be impressed when you present them with this delicious sushi platter.  In a matter of minutes you can put together this delectable treat.


Supplies Needed:

1.  Individually wrapped Rice Krispie® Treats

2.  Swedish Fish®

3.  Rope candy such as Extreme Airheads®

To Do:

1.  Cut the individual rice krispie in half; lay a swedish fish on top; stretch a rope candy across the top.

2.  Roll up a small section of rope candy, surround it with rice krispie treats, and wrap a longer piece of rope candy around the outside.



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