Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Speech Therapy


Speech can be a funny thing...


My daughter attends speech therapy regularly—2 times a week, 45 minutes a session.  She has troubles with the “th” sound.  Not unusual for a 6 year old, but serious enough that it needs to be addressed.  In therapy she is compiling a list of words with the “th” sound.  Every session the list grows and grows. 

One particular day my daughter is asked to add five words with “th” to the list.  She writes down four words and then pauses. 

“What’s the matter?” her therapist asks, “can you not think of a fifth word?” 

“Oh yes,” says my daughter “I have one in mind, but it is a bad word.” 

“Well I just cannot think of a single bad word that has “th” in it” says her therapist. “Go ahead, tell me the word.”

“Alright” says my daughter, “but it is very bad.”

“Well,” says her therapist, “what’s the word?”

“Thuck” says my daughter.

Thuck?  After 6 months of speech therapy, my daughter still can not tell the difference between “f” and “th??”

What The Thuck!?  Are you sure this speech therapy is working??



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