Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Peach Crumble


Every summer my children and I visit my parents in North Carolina.  There we love to pick ripe, juicy peaches from the peach trees in their back yard.  This peach crumble has become our favorite treat of the summer.


The measurements below can easily be adjusted.  Feel free to tinker with the recipe until it’s perfect for your taste buds.


Supplies needed:

6-8 ripe peaches (can use frozen peaches)

½ cup brown sugar (dark or light brown sugar)

¼ cup unsalted butter

¾ to 1 cup flour

Baking dish or individual ramekins


What to do:

Step 1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and gather your materials.

Step 2. Peel and slice your peaches into bite size pieces.

Step 3 Place peaches in an oven proof baking dish or individual ramekins.

Step 4. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of the brown sugar into the sliced peaches for added sweetness.  (can skip this step if desired)

Step 5. Melt butter in a separate bowl and add brown sugar.  Stir until it becomes a smooth mixture.

Step 6. Add in flour and mix with a spoon until it is a crumbly consistency.  Sprinkle crumbles on top of your peach mixture.

Step 7. Bake in oven for 30-45 minutes until top is bubbly and brown.

Step 8.  Serve with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!




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