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Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Giving to Schools


As the holidays approach we often look for ways to be charitable. And, we often want to include the whole family in our charitable endeavors. While children especially can benefit from participating in a charity that resonates with them, the concept of charity can be perplexing for them. A concrete idea, such as purchasing school supplies for classrooms, can be a great way to introduce charity to children.


Donating time, supplies or dollars to support classrooms across the United States can provide children a specific way to connect to charitable giving.  It is something tangible that they can relate to - the concept of a child not having access to school supplies or technology in their classroom. According to, teachers spend approximately $600 a year of their own money on classroom supplies and 91% of teachers purchase school supplies for their students. Kids just aren’t getting the materials they need to learn and the gap is being filled by teachers themselves, with 60% of all classroom supplies being purchased by teachers out of their own pockets. In addition, technology is severely lacking in many classrooms across the United States.

Below are some online opportunities you can review with your children to provide necessary supplies for  classrooms in need.  Not only can you make a difference in another child's life, you can use this as a teaching moment for your child to create a foundation for life-long charitable giving.


Adopt a Classroom’s mission is to give teachers a hand and provide needed classroom materials so their students can succeed. Teachers register their classrooms and needs online; donors discover classrooms through simple search tools, and can make targeted contributions.


The Kids in Need Foundation’s School Ready Supplies program is dedicated to providing those in need of school supplies with the tools necessary to be successful in the classroom. Through sponsorship, they can provide pre-assembled backpacks filled with essential school supplies or deliver bulk supplies to host backpack-building events.


Educators USA is working with schools all over the United States to bring them technology and teacher training resources so they can increase student achievement. Your donation will support education in America and will cut through the red tape of federal, state, and local governments to get teachers the tools they need to increase student achievement today!


At Donors Choose, you can find a classroom project that inspires you, donate and when a project is fully funded, they purchase all the requested items and ship them directly to the school. Donors Choose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. Build a future.


At ClassWish teachers, administrators and officers of teacher-parent organizations create a Wish List of the resources their students need to succeed.  Supporters contribute toward school-wide needs at any K-12 school or towards specific teacher needs. ClassWish purchases the materials and has them shipped right to the school.


Digital Wish believes that every child deserves a technology-rich education that will provide them with the skills necessary to excel in the global economy. Every day, Digital Wish develops new online tools and promotions that empower teachers and their supporters to get new technology for their classrooms and enhance learning for our children. With your help, they can provide the resources our schools need to thrive.


Many children from under-privileged school districts do not have paper, pencils, and other basic class materials. Furthermore, schools in such areas typically do not have the funding to provide these supplies. Through Supply Our Schools, you can help solve this problem by buying supplies for children who need them.

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