Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Fruit Salad


Create one of these healthy and delicious fruit salads for your next party!


This salad looks so festive and is simple to make.  All you need is a few minutes and a selection of your favorite fresh fruits -- think canteloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, pineapple...


Supplies needed:

One whole watermelon

A variety of your favorite fresh fruits

A serated knife or melon baller

What to do:

Step 1.  Select an oblong watermelon and cut the top off approximately 1/4 from the top.  If necessary slice a piece from the bottom of the melon to create a level surface.

Step 2.  Hollow the watermelon by cutting slices out of the center.  First cut around the edge, then slice cross sections across the top.  Cut wedges in bite size cubes.  Alternatively scoop out the inside of the melon with a melon baller.  Reserve the cut watermelon in a bowl.

Step 3.  Once the watermelon is hollowed out you have created your fruit bowl.

Step 4.  Fill the inside of your bowl with cuts of your favorite fruits.  Create an array of colors or mix it up, either way you'll have a beautiful and healty treat.





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