Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

Creative Alternatives to Birthday Party Gifts


In this world of abundance, the idea of giving our children even more new toys just seems excessive.  When you host a birthday party for your child, traditionally each invited guest brings a small gift for your child.  Depending on the size of your party that can amount to a lot of new toys.  Consider instead some of these ideas as alternative ways celebrate your child’s next birthday



Be sure to discuss these suggestions with your child prior to the party so that expectations are managed.

Have the party guests bring food for the local food pantry in lieu of a gift.  You can make a special outing with your child after the party to deliver the collected items to the food pantry.

Make books the highlight of the party.  Have everyone bring a book to exchange amongst each other, so each guest leaves with a book too.  Or, have the children pick out their favorite book from their own collection and bring it to the party to donate to children in need.  As a party craft activity have each child draw on bookplates to personalize the books.  

Create your party theme around animals in need.  Ask each guest to bring a bag of dog/cat food, tennis balls or drop extra change in a cup for your local animal shelter. At the party have the children create artwork for the cages and make cards with messages wishing the animals find a good home.  If possible, make arrangements to visit the shelter with your party guests during one of their adoption weeks.  Use this opportunity to drop off the donations and take the children’s photos with the animals and their artwork.  It is so very touching to see these kids proud of what they’ve accomplished by helping out an animal in need.

Pick a charity and have guests bring donations to the party.  Check with your local hospital’s Pediatric Unit and see what they are in need of.  It could be something simple like crayons and coloring books, small toys, stuffed animals or money for bigger purchases.  Alternatively, request that guests bring a favorite stuffed animal to donate to a child in need.  Fire departments, police officers and even social workers often need them on hand to pass out to kids who are scared, alone or have been separated from their families.

Have each guest bring supplies for their favorite craft project.  Set up stations for each kid to complete an adult-supervised activity.  Get creative.  Encourage expression and detail of work.  Help the children create things with their special mark of individuality.  Have each child do at least two crafts. – one to keep and one to exchange with the other attendees as party favors!  Teamwork is key for cleanup!

Turning your child’s birthday party into a teaching moment about generosity, giving and sharing can be a wonderful life’s lesson.  Instill these values in your children while they are young, so that they will live by them as adults.

Mrs. Shaheen Syed is the Director at New Horizons Montessori.  New Horizons Montessori has two locations in Princeton Junction and Montgomery, NJ.  Learn more about their program by visiting


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