Title:'Belle Mead NJ'
Title:'Belle Mead NJ'

3D Hand Art


My 9 year old son saw this on a website and insisted he try his hand at it (pun intended.)  All he needed was a sketch pad, some markers and a ruler. 

3D Hand Art






Supplies needed:

Colored markers

Sketch pad

Ruler (optional)


What to do:

Step 1. Trace an outline of your hand on a blank sheet of paper.

Step 2. Using a ruler and black marker draw a straight line from the left edge of your paper to the outline of your hand.  When you reach the hand, draw a upward curve to the right edge of the outline.  Then continue the straight line to the right edge of the page.

Step 3. Continue this process going up the page until you have covered the entire hand.

Step 4. Color in the spaces between the black lines in various colors.  A 3D effect should emerge.




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